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Mountain farm museum and woodsman’s cottage
It all started with a simple cider bar. Today, the “Hausstein” is one of the most important and most-visited destinations in the Dirndl valley. Find out how an innovative mountain farmer created jobs for himself and his family with old equipment and new ideas. »
Show distillery at Eibenberg
In 1996, the Edelbrandgemeinschaft Pielachtal [Pielach valley spirits co-operative] declared the Dirndlbrand its favourite, and registered “Original Pielachtaler Dirndlbrand” as a protected brand. Today, the whole Pielach valley has borrowed the name from the “Dirndl” – the fruits of the cornelian cherry. In addition to the excellent Dirndlbrand, many other high-quality spirits and liqueurs are produced from the fruits of the Dirndl valley, as Melanie Fuxsteiner, the first Pielachtal Dirndl Queen, is happy to explain. Photo: Fritz Kalteis, »
Dried fruit shop
Drying is one of the oldest methods of preserving fruit. In the Pielach valley, a production and marketing co-operative for dried fruit has been active since 1999. In the dried fruit shop run by the Fink family in Loich, you can sample dried apple rings, pear segments and plums, but also dried pear bread, fruit muesli and dried fruit balls. The proprietor Petra Fink will introduce you to the art of drying fruit »
Lechner Hof ostrich farm
An unconventional use of grassland: Tour of the ostrich enclosure and the associated production and marketing. »

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