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Show distillery at Eibenberg

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In 1996, the Edelbrandgemeinschaft Pielachtal [Pielach valley spirits co-operative] declared the Dirndlbrand its favourite, and registered “Original Pielachtaler Dirndlbrand” as a protected brand. Today, the whole Pielach valley has borrowed the name from the “Dirndl” – the fruits of the cornelian cherry. In addition to the excellent Dirndlbrand, many other high-quality spirits and liqueurs are produced from the fruits of the Dirndl valley, as Melanie Fuxsteiner, the first Pielachtal Dirndl Queen, is happy to explain. Photo: Fritz Kalteis,

A group of farmers from the Pielach valley came together to form a co-operative, using their combined skills and continuing old traditions, in order to distill fruits and berries established in the area for centuries in the rustic manner.

Through lectures and critical tastings, the quality of the products is kept at a high standard. Numerous awards confirm that this the right path.

With modern water bath distilleries, the raw materials are distilled with care. Fine spirits and liqueurs from cornelian cherries, apples, pears, greengages, plums, damsons, cherries and many other fruits are transformed into exquisite specialities.


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