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Mountain farm museum and woodsman’s cottage

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It all started with a simple cider bar. Today, the “Hausstein” is one of the most important and most-visited destinations in the Dirndl valley. Find out how an innovative mountain farmer created jobs for himself and his family with old equipment and new ideas.

To farmer Bruno Tuder, “just” opening a bar to serve this year’s cider did not seem to have sufficient prospects. He knew that because of the remoteness of his mountain farm, he would have to create other attractions to pull in tourists. A quantity of dusty old pieces of equipment was transformed into an impressive representation of life and work on a mountain farm typical of past generations. The mountain farm museum was opened in 1996, and was joined in 1999 by a woodsman’s cottage, followed in 2001 by a barefoot path. Homemade specialities and a pets’ corner complete the attractions to appeal to the whole family.

Opening time and conditions

1st May to 26th October

Sundays and public holidays: 2 to 7 p.m.

Weekdays and groups: by prior arrangement

Not dependent on the weather, no special equipment required

Number of people:   Up to 70 people (bar and museum), 30 people in the woodsman’s cottage

Duration:   approx. 30 min
Mountain farm museum:
Adults 2.20 Euro, children 1.10 Euro, family 5.50 Euro
Woodsman’s cottage:
3 Euro per person
Targetgroup:   Young people / Women / Minorities / Tourists / Visitors / Local Inhabitants / Men / Associations / Local groups / Farming families /
Topics:   Making the best use of natural and cultural resources
Module type:   Specialism module


Familie Bruno und Erna Tuder
3213 Frankenfels
Rosenbühelrotte 9
Phone:   +43 2725 218

Additional Information

Awarded the agrarian project prize


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