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Güssing Franciscan monastery

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In our region, the religious-ecclesiastical development of the people is closely connected with the cultural development of society. Then as now, society was influenced by churches and chapels, which still adorn the landscape today

Of particular importance for the town and the region is the Güssing Franciscan monastery, in the centre of the town of Güssing. Over the course of time, the owners changed – at one point, for example, it was held by the Augustinians.

The monastery was founded in 1648/49 by Count Adam Batthyány I. The Franciscan monastery is on the Hauptplatz in Güssing, and was once a cornerstone of the town fortifications of Güssing.

As a central focal point of the cultural development of our region over the course of centuries, the monastery and the monastery church have undergone excellent restoration. It is still used as a “real” monastery today, and visitors will find a library whose reputation extends far beyond our borders; the 3484 books contained in it are of particular value and importance.


The oldest book is a missal written on parchment, from the middle of the 13th century. Two hundred and eleven incunabula (early prints) provide information about previous printing activity in Güssing. Particular gems are the works of Carolus Clusius, which were printed by Johannes Manlius.

Grave of the Blessed Dr. Ladislaus Batthyány-Strattmann

Another important site in the monastery is the grave of Dr. Ladislaus Batthyány-Strattmann. This grave is a pilgrimage destination above all for Hungarian visitors. As a doctor, he examined and treated the poor and sick in Hungary, and in what is Burgenland today, free of charge. This brought him great recognition and admiration. In 2003, Dr. Batthyàny-Strattmann was declared blessed in Rome, on account of his faith in God during his lifetime, and the attribution of several miracles. Even today, sick people make pilgrimages to his grave to be cured of sickness.

Batthyàny family crypt

After the Capuchin crypt in Vienna, this family crypt is the second largest in Austria. Following extensive renovations, the crypt is accessible to the public.

Targetgroup:   Minorities / Tourists / Visitors / Local Inhabitants /
Topics:   Adding value to local products


Franziskanerkloster Güssing
Franziskanerplatz 1
A-7540 Güssing
Phone:   +43 3322 42339


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