Photovoltaic plant, Güssing technology centre
The construction of the demonstration plant on the site of the Güssing technology centre now enables visitors to the EEE to see close at hand how electricity is produced from the sun. Start-up operation was in 2004. The plant was set up in co- operation with BORG Güssing. The aim is to examine the economic efficiency of such a plant in our region, based on climate conditions. A monitoring system provides support for the investigation. The amount of energy produced by the plant is 26,000 kWh/a. The electricity that is produced flows into the public electricity grid. Via the eco electricity tariff, the operation receives a guaranteed price of 60 cents/kWh.
Ing. Werner Rauscher
Solarteur Solar Projects GmbH
7540 Güssing
+43 664 160 01 66
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