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Biogas Strem

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The biogas plant, with an output of 500 kW of electricity, was taken into operation in February 2005 in Strem. The research plant is designed to be fully automatic. The process that is used is dry fermentation. The gas is converted into electrical and thermal energy in the CHP unit. The special feature of the plant is that it is operated without the addition of liquid manure. The plant is operated as a research and demonstration facility. S

Since November 2004, the firm “Biogas Strem Errichtungs- und Betriebs GmbH & Co. KG” has operated the biogas plant with an output of 500 kW in terms of electricity. The aim is the production of electrical and thermal energy from renewable native raw materials such as grass, clover, maize, sunflowers,... The thermal energy that is produced is supplied to the local district heating network and the electrical energy is supplied to the local electricity supply grid at the eco electricity tariff. For a 500 kW (electrical) biogas plant, a tariff of 14.5 cents/kWh is assured for 13 years.
The reasons for setting up the biogas plant were
•    many agricultural businesses switching from full-time to part-time operations
•    a reduction in livestock husbandry
•    a decline in utilisation of grassland
•    conversion of cultivated land into fallow land

The advantages
•    In the close vicinity of the biogas plant, there is sufficient space for renewable raw materials
•    These can grow under environmentally-friendly agricultural management
•    Transportation expenditure is minimal
•    Lucrative tariff on account of the eco electricity decree
•    High-quality manure (liquid fermentation residue and separated solids) for agriculture

The Strem biogas plant is of particular importance for the development of biogas technology, as it is operated as a research and demonstration facility. Scientific support is provided by RENET-Austria network.

The scientific duties include
•    Partial reforming
•    Running-in operation and optimisation, dry fermentation
•    Optimisation of process engineering and reactor loading
•    Expert system for process control


Europäisches Zentrum für erneuerbare Energie Güssing GmbH
Europastrasse 1
A-7540 Güssing
Phone:   +43 3322 9010 850 20

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