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Güssing district heating, heating plant II

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The heating plant II was set up in 2002, within the framework of the district heating company, Güssinger Fernwärme GmbH, in Güssing. On account of the rising demand for heat and new fuels (parquet industry), a second heating plant was needed in Güssing. In order to avoid energy losses, the first plant (Güssing district heating plant) was not extended, but the second plant was located where the heat requirement is greatest (parquet works). The aim was to utilise fuels that are difficult to manipulate, such as sawdust and sanding dust (loading on trucks, transport). A closed system (production to combustion) is important, and the fuel (sawdust and sanding dust) is blown into the boiler via a high-pressure conduit. For this special type of fuel, a special type of boiler is installe


Europäisches Zentrum für erneuerbare Energie Güssing GmbH
Europastrasse 1
A-7540 Güssing

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