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Western village on Greenhorn Hill

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It all started in the spring of 2001, when Emmerich “Sam” Hochgerner from St. Pölten and his friends met the mayor of Rabenstein, and immediately found a sympathetic audience for his project, “Greenhorn Hill”. Thus a “genuine” western village came into being on the “Kollerberg” in Rabenstein

Despite the name of the club, Emmerich “Sam” Hochgerner and his friends are anything but “greenhorns”.

After the club was established in 2002, the members of the country & western and archery club got moving straight away, and on the 4000 m² site they set up several “guest huts” as well as the heart of the site: an authentic western-style saloon.

A real western village would not be complete without the jail and “Boot’s Hill” (graveyard) – both are here. There is even a “Jail-House Bar”. In the spring of 2004, “Greenhorn Hill” gained another attraction: The old pews of the parish church found a new home in the newly-built village church.

A separate range for practising archery is available to inhabitants and visitors to the Pielach valley. At events and festivals, the very best country & western music is on offer, and special courses are available on request for those who would like to learn line dancing and square dance.

Opening time and conditions

From 1st April to 26th October, every weekend from Friday 6 p.m. to Sunday 8 p.m.


Tour of the site with archery range and smithy, the history and activities of the Greenhorns, dropping in at the saloon.



Am Kollerberg
3203 Rabenstein an der Pielach
Phone:   +43 0676 7466161

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