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Mariazellerbahn model railway museum

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The fan base for model railways is huge. A small group of enthusiastic modellers from the Pielach valley decided to pursue their hobby beyond the confines of their cellars. The layout that they maintain shows the mountain section of the Mariazellerbahn (narrow gauge!), and they are pleased to open it for all interested visitors. The club also runs a model railway shop and organises narrow gauge festivals.

The Mariazellerbahn model railway reproduces, on H0e scale (1:87), the spectacular landscape of the mountain section from Laubenbachmühle to just after Erlaufklause, with all the stations, tunnels and bridges. Eight trains run on it, which can be operated by the visitor. Documentation includes showpieces, models, old periodicals, and photographs, and describes the history of the Mariazellerbahn.

In the museum shop, you can buy books, periodicals, souvenirs, photos, picture postcards as well as model railways and accessories, with the focus on narrow gauge railways.

Opening time and conditions

The museum is open every Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. With advance notice, groups of 10 people and over can be accommodated at other times.


Marktgemeinde Kirchberg
Schloßstraße 1
3204 Kirchberg an der Pielach
(only during the office time)
Phone:   +4327227309


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