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Hot wood

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Murau has set itself the objective of being self-sufficient in energy, i.e. to meet its needs only with sustainable energy from wood and the sun. The "Energy vision for Murau" should be implemented by 2015.

Programme items:


Presentation of the energy vision for Murau

Tour of the bioenergy plants, both private and municipal

Visit to "St. Lambrecht natural heat": Farming co-operative that supplies quality wood chips, and together with local plumbers, plans wood chip heating systems and then operates them.

Visit to a "natural heat plumber": Four plumbers in the region are recognised "natural heat plumbers", who undertake not to install any more oil heating systems in new buildings.

Tour of a firm for heating technology


Made-to-measure programmes are also available!


Due to the weather, the tour can take place only in the months from the end of March to mid- November.


Equipment: Comfortable clothing, rainwear if required.





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