Best practice excursions offered as a means of professional knowledge transfer
Four Austrian LEADER regions are working on developing a means of professional knowledge transfer in a joint project entitled "Fachexkursionen" (Best Practice Excursions), under the banner of LEADER. They want to pass their methodical and specialist know-how on to other regions and profile themselves as "theme leaders" at the same time, both nationally and internationally.
In the future, the LEADER regions of the Pielach Valley, the woodland region of Murau, Southern Burgenland and Vorarlberg want to use existing projects to show visitors who make trips to their regions to "view developments", how added value can be created for the region by making use of local resources. The specific themes involved are cultural landscape & cycle management, renewable energy, wood as a material and architecture.
This joint project was prompted by the rising demand for excursions to each of the four regions that is taking part: there have been increasing numbers of visits to the regions mentioned above by students, specialist societies, action and project groups, not to mention tourist visitors, in order to find out about the methods of regional development work, as well as about organizational and technical solutions.
The aim of the joint project is to find a professional way of imparting knowledge, thereby providing targeted support to the much publicized transfer of know-how, experience and project ideas.
Sharing information in a contemporary way: audio books and the likes
More specifically, the "Best Practice Excursions" involve the development of specialist programs for different target groups; this is aimed at decision-makers from public administration and regional development, as well as at organizations which specialize in the different theme areas (professional associations, universities and other third-level colleges).
In phase one, programmes will be developed for local decision-makers from other regions and offered on a national and European level. Packages will then be created for universities and other third-level colleges. With detailed programmes and information, students will be invited to take part in seminars with a practical theme.
The four joint partners place particular importance on innovative methods of imparting information. For instance, audio books and documentation packs are being created for the people taking part in the excursions as a means of knowledge transfer. *.* The teaching methods applied in the seminars are structured in such a way that theory is always linked to "best practice" examples from regional development.
Besides, practical information should, of course, be imparted in a pleasant atmosphere. Therefore, the seminar material is also complemented with the integration of entertainment modules and cultural elements into the programme.
The programmes on offer will be described on a website which is linked to the LEADER-Austria website. Daily and weekly programmes can be reserved by prospective visitors. A dedicated Incoming Office will organize a complete package of events for people who are taking part in excursions.
Theme of renewable energy
The town of Güssing in Southern Burgenland has developed into a centre of renewable energy in recent years. This development started in 1989 with the construction of the rapeseed methyl ester plant. It experienced its first high point in 1996 with the commissioning of the Güssing District Heating Plant, which, at that time, was the largest plant operating on the basis of the combustion of chippings. Electricity and heat are generated in Güssing using the double fluidised-bed steam process, which is the only one of its kind in the world. With the construction of the plants, there has also been a sharp rise in research & development activities.
Thanks to the building of the European Centre for Renewable Energy, high-skilled jobs have been brought to the town, and economic activity in the surrounding area has been stimulated. Specially trained guides inform visitors about the special features and regional links. Seminars on specific subjects attract visitors from the industry, and international cooperation with research establishments is being stepped up continuously.
Theme of recycling management
The Pielach Valley in Lower Austria is creating a model regional development which is concerned with integrative, sustainable tourism and the regional system of recycling management underpinning it - production, processing, marketing and services. Preserving the natural and cultural landscape is an objective of primary importance in the Pielach Valley. Gradual implementation and mobilization of the population have yielded enviable results. Through its activities, the region can show representatives from the industry how regional stimulation and cooperation can be developed. Travel guides will explain examples of best practice to interested visitors. The "Best Practice Excursion" partners are now working on the course content for students.
Theme of wood as a material in construction
The woodland area of Murau has become a model of how to make use of its regional resource, wood, in construction. Sophisticated wooden constructions have been created in the areas of housing, local authority buildings and bridges (such as the wooden Europa Bridge). They can be viewed. New processing techniques have been developed. Biomass plays an important role as a type of energy. Public decision-makers have had the courage to implement model wood projects. A visit to the woodland region of Murau demonstrates that the area is thriving and enjoys the support of the local population. The networking and coordination between the wood industry, tourism and culture is one of the important challenges undertaken by the woodland area. Not least of all, initial and further training courses on wood-related matters are provided; so-called "wood ambassadors" have been trained to give industry visitors and tourist groups high-quality guided tours, informing them about the architectural, commercial, cultural, art-history and energy-related aspects of wood. There is great demand for these guided tours.
Theme of wooden construction in architecture
Vorarlberg wood-construction architecture is now known all around Europe. This only came about by putting many framework conditions in place and getting over hurdles. To name a few: building regulation stipulations (e.g. multi-storey housing), fire prevention, criteria set down by the local construction authorities and local planners. Coupled with this are developments in wood construction technology and production processes to satisfy the demands of modern commercial and residential property building and of energy efficiency. The Vorarlberg Wood-Construction Art Initiative has increased demand through intensive publicity work and through consistent further training programmes and further developed the local public's understanding of wood processing. The initiative has helped to create jobs and led to increased use of wood, which is a regional, natural and sustainable raw material.
According to statistics, some 40,000 people visit examples of architecture in Vorarlberg every year. Within the scope of the project, professional methods are being refined for imparting this expertise, and seminars are being developed for students. Particular emphasis is placed on the high-quality wood of the silver fir as this species of tree is very characteristic of the region.
Boosting the profile and profiting
Developing a professionally marketable package of excursions will play a considerable part in boosting the specific profile of the regions involved. Profile-building is also possible in specialist circles at European level through technically based and active publicity. This is bound to also have an inward effect. As experience shows, external acknowledgement always inspires inward motivation, in particular if the recognition stems from specialist circles. *Moreover, Austrian and international visitors who are knowledgeable in this area also bring lots of know-how and a wealth of experience to the host region. *From a tourism perspective, the experience for the visitor is increased by the professional "presentation" of traditional and contemporary services.
By the way, excursions can be booked and organized now in all the regions which are taking part. You can find details of all the contact persons below:
Entwicklungsverein- Natur und Kulturerbe Vorarlberg
Franz Rüf
Tel.: 05579-7171-46
LAG Holzwelt Murau - Martina Kocher,;
DI Josef Bärnthaler,;
LAG Südburgenland plus - Mag. Thomas Novoszel,;
eee GmbH - Alexandra Kopitar,;
LAG Pielachtal - DI Petra Scholze-Simmel und Martina Grill,