Pfarrhaus Sulzberg
Opening time and conditions
The parsonage can be visited during the business hours of the city hall.
25 minutes
Number of people: max. 15 person
Number of people: max. 15 person
Minorities /
Tourists / Visitors /
Local Inhabitants /
Associations / Local groups /
Topics: Making the best use of natural and cultural resources
Module type: Specialism module
Topics: Making the best use of natural and cultural resources
Module type: Specialism module
Alter Pfarrhof Sulzberg
Dorf 3
6934 Sulzberg
Dorf 3
6934 Sulzberg
Additional Information
Sulzberg, which has an altitude of 1,015 metres, is located in one of the most beautiful viewpoints in the Alpine foothill area. Enjoy the view of the mountains in the Bregenzerwald, the Allgaeu and Switzerland. Sulzberg is a popular place to make excursions to with its extensive high paths, fresh air and good food.
Sulzberg, which has an altitude of 1,015 metres, is located in one of the most beautiful viewpoints in the Alpine foothill area. Enjoy the view of the mountains in the Bregenzerwald, the Allgaeu and Switzerland. Sulzberg is a popular place to make excursions to with its extensive high paths, fresh air and good food.