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Development association, Nature and Cultural Heritage, Vorarlberg

Description for LAG

The Vorarlberg LEADER+ Programme was developed in a subsidiary manner and using the Bottom-up principal respectively. The core team is made up of representatives from the 4 most important valley specific, regional planning community and its managers.


Looking beyond the end of your nose at wood and water.
tThe LAG Vorarlberg defined seven key projects as a basis for their development work. The goal of “Encounter with Timber” is to intensify wood processing and to call the meaning of timber to the cultural landscape (back) to mind. The development of innovative training and education programmes for the long term safeguarding of regional and hand craft strengths among others, will contribute to meeting this goal.
The key project “Water – the source of life”, will initiate investments in tourism and other economic branches.. Some of the other planned projects are: The rediscovery of well springs, “The Water Jug Initiative”, the world of water as well as exhibitions on the subject of water. “Connecting Paths” concentrates on old and new ways to connect – literally as well as figuratively speaking. Concretely, what it comes to are initiatives and concepts for the preservation of historical monuments and traditions. “From me to you” encourages encounters in the valleys as well as the development of documentation, organisation and service facilities for the exchange of information and know-how. In the key project: “Culinary Homeland”, the intensification of regional specific creations and their direct marketing are supported. “InfraNet” should relieve the infrastructure for economy and tourism through the regional network and bring more efficiency and added value to communal and private facilities.
Last, but not least, the LAG Vorarlberg wants to “Look beyond the end of its nose” and instigate inter-regional co-operations.

Goals of the LAFG

Target 1 – Increasing Esteem
Learning to appreciate what surrounds us is not only the source of our own contentment, but is also the basis for the development of a regional identity and creativeness. Appreciation of one’s own surroundings is the basis for the maintenance and further development of social structures and the cultural landscape. In the LEADER + programme, increased measures will be taken to sharpen the awareness of the population and with that, ensure sustainable regional development.

Target 2 – Increasing Added Value
The commercial, but conscious and permanent use of natural and cultural resources for the purpose of employment is not only legitimate but also an obligation for the preservation of the quality of life in the region. The programme deliberately encourages innovation, product development and higher qualification, which are based on the resources in the region. Existing strengths are depended upon for development. The economic utilisation of the cultural landscape should support the employment branches of tourism and industry as well as initiate employment combinations for agriculture. In this way, new jobs will be created.

Target 3 – Developing the Image
In other countries, Vorarlberg is known as a small, but in many ways an exemplary place. The way the people deal with the natural and cultural resources is often regarded as a role model. A very high level of quality is achieved despite the small economic structures, and this brings clear advantages with it when it comes to competition. This gives minority or underprivileged groups, especially women, a chance to profit. This image must be anchored on the inside of the LEADER programme and then communicated to the outside using public relations and networking.

Target 4 – Forcing co-operations
Increased co-operations that are meant to be lasting which are completely private as well as those with additional public participation should contribute to the increase of regional added value, the preservation of the cultural heritage and its further development as well as upgrading the position in inter-regional competition.

Map of LAG-area


Number of cities: 51
Members of LAG: The association was founded by the regional planning communities in the valleys. Bordering communities that do not belong to any REGIO, can join the union when it is founded, by making a declaration of membership and a passing of a resolution by the municipal council. Furthermore, clubs and organisations that were not present at the founding assembly may be taken on by the board of directors if they contribute to the regional development and the support of the natural and cultural heritage. With this, the economic and social life of the rural area of Vorarlberg should be increasingly represented.
Besides the official members, natural persons or businesses may also join, especially those people that are involved in the project. In addition, people that belong to the individual valleys or the key projects or work groups can also become members
Enumeration of cities: Alberschwende, Andelsbuch, Au, Bartholomäberg, Bezau, Bizau, Blons, Bludesch, Brand, Buch, Bürserberg, Dalaas, Damüls, Doren, Egg, Eichenberg, Fontanella, Gaschurn, Hittisau, Innerbraz, Klösterle, Krumbach, Langen bei Bregenz, Langenegg, Lech, Lingenau, Lorüns, Ludesch, Mellau, Möggers, Raggal, Reuthe, Riefensberg, Schnepfau, Schoppernau, Schröcken, Schruns, Schwarzenberg, Sibratsgfäll, Silbertal, Sonntag, St. Anton, St. Gallenkirch, St. Gerold, Stallehr, Sulzberg, Thüringen, Thüringerberg, Tschagguns, Vandans, Warth
Number of inhabitants: 64468
Area (km²): 1716.0
Densitiy of population (people/km²): 37.56
Legal form of LAG: Association
Regioncode: VB

Person to Contact

Mayor. Rudi Lerch, chairman
Montafonerstraße 21
6780 Schruns

Contact Phone: 05556 72132-17
Telefon2: 0664-8106301
Fax-Number: 05556 72132-9
Contact E-Mail:

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